Answering the Call: Homeopathy in the Soloman Islands

It’s hard to believe that in just a month, I’ll be packing up and heading to the Solomon Islands! Part of me is buzzing with excitement. There’s something incredibly meaningful about being able to serve rural islanders who don’t have easy access to health care. But if I’m being honest, there’s also a big part of me that’s nervous about leaving my comfort zone. And my comfort zone? Well, that’s my home, my family, and all the cozy, familiar chaos that comes with being a mum to three kids and a puppy. I’ve always embraced my inner homebody, so the thought of stepping out into the unknown for two weeks feels daunting. Add to that my (completely irrational) fear of tsunamis, which has popped up in my mind more times than I’d like to admit and then promptly been shut down along with the scary thought that I’ll be flying in on a tiny Cessna plane. Let’s just say I’ll be keeping some Aconite handy for this trip! But I know, like always, once I settle in, the nerves will fade, and I’ll find so much joy in this incredible opportunity to help others while gaining invaluable experience as a homeopath.

Since I was a kid, I’ve always had a deep desire to nurture and take care of others. Driven by vivid childhood dreams of heroism or simply an innate desire to help, I’ve always felt compelled to contribute positively to the world around me. I felt that in a big way when I went to Fiji in 2011 with my former employer during my days as an audiologist. We were there to fit hearing aids on severely hearing-impaired children, and honestly, they were the happiest, most smiley kids I had ever met. I had such a great time working with these beautiful children that I completely lost track of time and ended up missing my flight back to Denarau. It was a bit of a nightmare then, but it’s a funny story now! This experience, and everything that came after, especially during the COVID years, truly solidified my commitment to making a difference. COVID has made me appreciate my blessings more than I had in the past and inspired me to want to make a bigger difference in the world.

As I start to think about what to pack (which books to bring, how many bags I can realistically carry), and preparing myself mentally for what will be my longest trip away from my crutches—home and family, I’m filled with a sense of honour at the opportunity to preserve the legacy of homeopathy in such a remote area. Homeopathy boasts a rich and long-standing history, and the Solomon Islands have woven a remarkable relationship with this incredible healing art that I hope to see continue for years to come. I hope projects like the one in the Solomon’s will help raise global awareness of homeopathy, promoting the idea that it is a safe, effective, and affordable approach to support health.

I have to give a huge thank you to my husband for always supporting my dreams, to my kids who love me unconditionally (even when their mummy does things a little differently from their friends’ parents!), to my mother and step-dad who cheer me on from afar, and to my in-laws, who have opened their minds to my way of doing things and will even move into my home for two weeks to help my husband with the kids while I’m gone. I’m beyond grateful to you all, and also to everyone who has generously donated to make the financial side of this volunteer trip a little less overwhelming.

One of my biggest hopes for this journey is to spread the word in religious communities that homeopathy is not only safe and effective, but that it’s truly a gift from God to help facilitate healing for His children.

Here’s to stepping outside of my happy hermit shell and embracing the adventure ahead!

If you want to learn more about the Solomons and homeopathy on the Island, click here to watch my podcast interview.

If you would like to donate towards the costs the trip to the islands, please click here. I understand times are tough, so if you’re unable to contribute, simply sharing this blog or podcast with your friends and family would mean the world to me. Thank you!

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